Thursday, 21 February 2013

Pom-Pommery and my first yarn love...

Making the pompom for Bob's Beanie was quite a nostalgic experience; I realised I probably haven't made one for about 30 years... I remember a time when my sister & I were obsessed with making them (or was it just me?) probably because they were dead easy and didn't involve any PATIENCE, unlike knitting! I haven't got the faintest idea what we did with all these pompoms.

I know I did occasionally manage to knuckle down and finish a project for someone bigger than a Sindy - I remember making booties for a cousin, and a whole Postman Pat intarsia sweater for another cousin. Not that I had the foggiest what intarsia was or how to do it. I dread to think what an unholy mess the finished object probably was. However, I tried to make some legwarmers for myself in the early stages of secondary school (humour me, it was the 80s) and never finished them because I found the 2x2 rib too boring. I would polish them off in an afternoon now! The yarn was fantastic though - bright green with a multcoloured slub running through it. I think I only knitted as much as I did for the joy of getting to the fattest bits of slub. I've got no idea what it was called and where it came from. I've still got bits of it left, mostly in tiny, sometimes unravelled balls and it's been used in various mini-projects and so forth over the years. Even now, looking at my gorgeous stash with Qiviut, alpaca, silk, BFL, hand-dyed little somethings etc, that green, almost certainly acrylic, oh-so-80s yarn still inspires feelings of love.

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